

My roommate and I are both trans guys

but he's on T and I'm not, and I probably will never be able to go on T. 
But despite the fact that he's almost a year on T, I'm still more muscular than he is, and even though I try not to, I find myself lording it over him whenever I can. 
I feel terrible about it, but being muscular feels like it's the only thing in my life which makes not being on T feel tolerable, and I don't know how to stop being obnoxious about it.


My partner doesn't know about how I feel about my vagina

because I can't bring myself to talk about it. So I put off having sex as long as I can and when we do it, I feel so uncomfortable and empty and I hate it.


To the author of "FtM and the Single Life" -

My identical twin brother is a transman. He was single for a long time, almost 10 years, after transitioning. 

Now he's married to a wonderful man. I won't say that "There's someone out there for everyone," because that's super cliche, but I will say that it's reasonable to think you'll find someone. Also, 9_9 UGH, moms can be the WORST sometimes, can't they? (Not always. but sometimes.)


I am currently dating a transman now and we do not have sex

He says its because of his ex who used to hit him and say hurtful things. I am not sure if it's bc of that or bc I am his first since he transitioned. It's been a few months since we last had sex. Any tips on what To do ? I crave intimacy and idk how much longer I can go


my partner is a gay cis man

he said he couldn't be with me sexually because i had a vagina, despite us being together for years as i discovered my transness. 

why does everyone have to focus on parts, instead of the people? i'll never leave him, he's the love of my life, and i've had an ace partner before... it just hurts... especially when we want children and my fertility is something i pride myself on after major struggles with it, which keeps me from getting bottom surgery.


***Rape Trigger Warning***

*** Rape Trigger Warning ***

I'm an ftm and I was raped but I haven't told anyone because I'm afraid that nobody will take me seriously because I'm an ftm (masculine presenting) and my rapist was a female.



I'm 28 and I wish mom would've gotten to see me as her son before her suicide..


I am finally dating my crush

and friend of two years and I feel so free and in love with him but I know he isnt gay. How do I even start to explain that I’m trans? How do I even start to recover if I lose him?


alcoholic relief

So getting impaired by alcohol (don't do actually bc it's not worth it) has relieved my dysphoria...or really any emotional feeling. Great and I can't tell you how many times I've misspelled words on this thing particularly the same word.


restroom panic

Today I was out with my family (who don't accept me, btw) and I had to use the restroom. So I headed to the restrooms and I was heading to the men's restroom and my heart was beating a million miles a minute and I had my hand on the door but then I heard a sink being used in there and I freaked out and used the women's restroom instead. I feel so ashamed of myself.


running out of options

I’ve been officially out a year in 16 days, but I’ve been out off and on since I was 6. I’m waiting to start T until my fiance is with me so we can both start T, but the dysphoria is getting worse.. I can’t get a job because everyone wants me to dress in female clothes.. And I tried, I broke down into a panic attack.. It’s getting hard to get a job and I’m running out of options.. I don’t know what to do anymore..



Music is my life

...and I’m super terrified that my singing voice will be ruined by going on T. At the same time, I’m worried that my identity won’t register to other people (even after I correct them and eventually forced to come out to them) without hormones. I’m a nervous wreck lately.


sex with guys

Recently almost had sex with a close male friend but can't help but thinking now how will i have sex with a guy? Cause no ones going down the front way, so what should do?


Trans Family kik?

hello. I just saw the kik screenshot from the Trans Family group and wanted to know how it works to be permitted into the group? My partner and I are both ftm and he especially has been looking for ways to connect with others like himself so I'd love to let him know of the group.



I’ve seriously considered undergoing leg-lengthening surgery as part of my transition. I will be a six foot tall bearded soprano. #demiboygoals



Confession: I'm so jealous of cis guys who can get testosterone for "low t" in a quick tip to the doctor, while I'm spending years trying to get on testosterone.



• It angers me, when my cis-gender female friends talk about men in a positive light. Their features, their personalities, anything masculine angers and saddens me.

• Hot guys make me dysphoric.
• Hot girls make me dysphoric.

• Shopping is discouraging because I’m 5'2 and can barely fit a size small, in men’s clothing. Thus, resulting to shop in the boys section.

• I feel inadequate as a male.

• I want to look good as a male, but feel as if, I could only look “good” as a female.

• I WANT to be male. I WANT to go on T. I WANT a flat chest. I WANT to see the bulge in my pants. I WANT broad shoulders. I WANT a deep voice. I WANT hairy legs. I WANT a chiseled face. I WANT everything being male has to offer. And I WANT to be understood, accepted and loved for wishing such things.

• I’ve never felt more alone, misunderstood and unsupported in my life.


killing me

I'm 20something years old and I can't afford to transition/come out to most people until I finish grad school. This is seriously killing me. Tumblr and YouTube are the only things keeping me sane.


faking it

I’m a trans boy, I haven’t started T and I am on the younger side. I still like dresses and pastels and I feel like I’m faking it. 


health screening

Conversation during pre-employment screening:
[I still have the body I'm born with, not on T either]
Doc: Are you on long term medication?
Me: No.
Inner voice: Does Testosterone count?
D: Have you had any major operation?
M: No.
IV: Does Mastectomy, Hysterectomy, Salpingo-oophorectomy, & Metoidioplasty count?
D: We'll do breast examination now. Please unhook your bra & lie on the bed.
IV: Huh? What bra?
I left the clinic feeling uneasy.



I recently found out that my home will never be safe for me. I can't come out, nor can I express myself at all without the threat of "rebuilding my femininity". I'm so scared.


gym buddy?

Hi everyone. I am a transgender. I'm living at Bukit Panjang, Singapore. Looking for a buddy to go to the gym. Leave message if you are interesting and I will add you. Thank you.


Endocrinologist in Singapore

Can anyone recommend a good endocrinologist in singapore that can help me with HRT ? I know private docs are really ex, is there any specific one that are cheaper as i am still schooling >< . also does government hospital still does HRT for transgenders. I have a psychiatric report if that is necessary 



Has any transman here tried to use a pump to grow a dick? 


how to start

How do i start my transition ? Where can i find an endocrinologist that would help me in singapore?


all i can see when i look at myself

All I can see when I look at myself is a guy's face but almost nobody I'm out to calls me by the right pronouns and when I'm binding people who don't know me still think I'm a girl and i hate it and kinda myself for it


I don't fit in anywhere

Names Marcel. Genderqueer. I Dunno bout most of you but sometimes being genderqueer sucks cuz I feel like I don’t fit anywhere… Like I still question if I’m trans and if I am i dunno if I could ever have the guts to go through the transition, and if I’m not I feel like people in the straight and gay community look at me like I’m just another trend following confused girl… Even people in the gay community look at genderqueer and trans questioning people like they are just another trend.. Like I can’t even be open about my name change cuz I’m afraid of people not respecting it. I don’t want to face the embarrassment… How do you get past people judging you for…basically not knowing who you are yet?


i'm having fantasies

I feel like since transitioning (2 years in less than a month on hormones, pre-op ) I'm open to ALL sexes and identities where as before transitioning I wasn't, what's wrong with me? Im having fantasies giving blow jobs to cis males gay and straight


Do straight transmen have straight privilege?

Do straight transmen have straight privilege?

yeah kind of, but it’s one of those trickier areas of privilege (idk anything about singapore though, sorry for not being any help there)

like if you don’t pass you have almost no straight privilege really because when you’re out with your partner people will perceive it as a gay relationship

but if you do pass you do get straight privilege as awarded to you in a lot of social situations, but if you are still legally recognized as female you obviously wouldn’t get the privileges heterosexual people have legally, ie, you can’t get married if you like somewhere where same sex marriage is

all straight transmen do get a level of privilege from being the default though. like, I’m a gay asexual transman for example, and it can be rather alienating that there doesn’t seem to me many of me out there, but it’s not hard to find loads of the “lesbian turned straight male” narrative out there.

Theres really a lot of levels to this and I could go on forever but really when it comes to privilege grey areas like this the best thing for you to do is be self aware of where you are privileged and don’t overstep your boundaries with it. I don’t think it’s a good idea to make blanket statements over all straight transmen as having straight privilege because that’s just not true.