

horny horny horny

My sex drive has been off the charts the past couple of weeks and I haven’t even started taking testosterone… I am really worried what will happen when I do… I don’t have a sex partner of any sorts… But I would probably end up exhausting that person anyway
Just think of all the exercise you’ll get with your primary hand. 
I´m worried about that too. Haha, I´m afraid of turning into a sex monster or something. 


acne on face, chest, back

I’ve had acne on my face and back occasionally and my chest frequently since I’ve been on T (8.5 months on T now and pre-op everything). Acne on my chest is WAY worse than anywhere else. Does anyone have a good solution or explanation?
T makes your skin way more oily than it was in the past. Couldn’t tell ya why other than that, but my solution is what I’ve been doing - the best you can.
Cuz really, what’s more important than an acne problem is that you’re lucky enough to be on T, right? :) Try Proactive, it helps.
Acne is different for everyone. There is no good solution other than time. For most guys, the acne will lessen as you go through your “second puberty.” There’s a lot of remedies, but they are bs and often makes it worse & drugs that can fuck you up 


eyeliner & floral prints

I feel like I’m never going to be taken seriously as a trans guy. In my head I’m male. But I still like stuff like eyeliner and floral prints. I’m afraid people are just going to brush me off as a butch lesbian or something. I’m afraid to come out. I want to be taken seriously. I want to legitimate. Since when the eff are flowers gender specific anyway?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing makeup and wearing floral!! You do you, friend, and don’t take anyone’s shit about you being ‘too feminine’. The only thing feminine about you is what you want to be feminine. Stay strong <3

I love floral and I’m just as male. On the opposite back when I wasn’t out even to myself, to buy floral I’d have to go male section:) and I never walk out without make-up


family vs dream job vs gender

im really scared that ill have to choose between my family&chances in my dream job and my gender
I do feel this too


flowers for everyone

I feel like I’m never going to be taken seriously as a trans guy. In my head I’m male. But I still like stuff like eyeliner and floral prints. I’m afraid people are just going to brush me off as a butch lesbian or something. I’m afraid to come out. I want to be taken seriously. I want to legitimate. Since when the eff are flowers gender specific anyway?
flowers/floral print should for all genders they’re so pretty


odds against trans partners?

I was looking at some websites for support for trans partners and came out of it feeling more depressed than ever. Not one of them seemed to be positive about such relationships working out, in fact they were all extremely negative, particularly when talking about younger couples. They all made out like those going through transition change a lot in their personality and that really scared me. I love my partner and I knew it was going to be difficult, but are the odds really that against us?
Hey hun me and my boyfriend justayoungtransguy have been in a relationship for over two years and are still going strong. We got together when he was 14 and he’s nearly 17 now. Things are great between us and we’re planning our life together. His transition can sometimes put some stress on our relationship but we talk through it together and its never broken us. The odds aren’t against you I promise. Message me if you ever wanna chat hun. 
Much love, Lucy 


trans-friendly hairdresser?

Anyone know of any hairdresser that is trans friendly. Or any of you have had a good experience at any salon. Cause i don’t want to have to answer questions like, why do you want to cut this hairstyle etc. If i gave them a straightforward answer, the situation would be definitely awkward.
In my experience just say you’re trying to look like a man. They often don’t ask past that (they’ll make their own assumptions). But if you feel really uncomfortable, you can always say you’re starring in a play, as a male character. -shrug- My hairdressers never question after I say “I’m trying to look like a man”.


SWCM "privilege"

I worry If I transition to male as an ftm, I’ll be labeled as a “privileged and oppressive male” by people. Even though transmen do benefit from male privilege after they transition, if they had a female identity before, they didn’t benefit from male privilege and were just as oppressed as females. More so, we don’t have cis privilege. I’m afraid of expressing this idea on tumblr.
Especially as a straight white ftm… Even if I eventually pass 100% of the time as a straight white man, it doesn’t mean I grew up that way. 
Yeah, there are people out there with much worse to deal with, but it bothers me to think that people who I’ll eventually come to know and love (who will only know me as a SWCM) will see me and think of the privileges I’ve had, and the “ease of life” I must have lived…


wrong? normal?

Sometimes I can’t breathe, the crushing thoughts of just ‘wrong’ repeated over and over. It scares me.
It scares me that this is what I consider normal now…


why hate on stealth?

I don’t understand why there is so much hate in the community for those who choose to be stealth? I worked so hard for this, paid a lot of money, to be who I am today. What is the point of all that if I have to keep telling people I was once a girl?
I don’t get this either. You can be trans* and proud without having to tell everyone in the world. Just like other LGBTAQ+ people can have their identity, be proud of it, and not share it with everyone…


AIDS funding vs transgender funding?

u know how there’s huge foundations with lots of funding for AIDS research, AIDS prevention, AIDS this AIDS that.. why isn’t there any for transgenders surgeries? why isn’t there any companies sponsoring a big fund to help all the transgenders in the world? if AIDS is a matter of life and death, so is surgery for many transexuals.


Because people see AIDS as “not a choice”, and being trans* as “a choice”.
A straight white cis man who doesn’t wear condoms or ask about his partners’ sexual histories and gets AIDS? That’s an unfortunate act of god/nature/happenstance etc.
A trans* person… exists? that’s them making bad life decisions. I mean, come on, just “choose” to be cis, amirite?
