

Super male and super gay

I just read your "i'm a bad transsexual" post and bruh I am right there with you. I don't feel the dysphoria either. I am pretty comfortable in my girl body. I hate my boobs and i think vaginas are super weird but i'm girly and feminine and what not. HOWEVER i identify as a gay male. My "inside self" as i like to call is super male and super gay. I want to date and have sex with other gay males (or bi or pan males) but i am afraid that no cis male gays will be into me. I'm afraid of looking like a poser or a fag hag too. i am pre everything at the moment but am going to be getting on T in the spring and having top surgery next. I hope this helps me but i am worried about all my girly clothes and interests ??? i am struggling. please, if you find any answers or things that bring comfort please share them with me. lots of love. Logan.

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