

In a bind

Hey Shay! I guess this could go up on Confessions, but in any case I've been thinking so much about the binder giveaway idea.
I've read about In A Bind, and it basically pairs giver to recipient. We could do this too - I think all we need to begin is an excel sheet. The problem is, I think we're going to be really, really short of donors, and would probably have a ridiculously long wait list.
Do we have any information about local supply and demand yet? I wish I could start a thread on this that everyone can see and comment on.

Hi M. I read this earlier but didn't hv the time to reply until now. I've not heard of In A Bind - is it a support group / organisation and do they have a website I could refer to (and learn from)?
I personally don't have information on local supply and demand. This is something we could look into by joining forces with some of the local FTM groups.
I'm happy to have you start a thread here on Transman Confessions.
Let's keep this conversation going and do share with me what you have in mind. I'd like to see how far we can go with this idea.
x Shay

Here's the page for In A Bind. M had contacted the TransActive Gender Center and they say the project is still fully operational.


  1. Hi M and Shay, you can also check out this local link for binder giveaways. We're constantly looking for people to donate their used binders and for people who are in need of them. Please share widely!!get_involved/c8k2

  2. That's wonderful! I'll forward the info to M and we'll look into how we could team up!

    x Shay


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