

On privilege

I worry If I transition to male as an ftm, I’ll be labeled as a “privileged and oppressive male” by people. Even though transmen do benefit from male privilege after they transition, if they had a female identity before, they didn’t benefit from male privilege and were just as oppressed as females. More so, we don’t have cis privilege. I’m afraid of expressing this idea on tumblr.
In cases like these, You think you are not entitled to male white privilege but I bet if you and I were walking down a street in any city, I would be stopped and frisked before you.
That right there is an example of white privilege and being Trans.
And I say this because this is true and has happened to me before
I understand you do not want to be viewed like that but this is a harsh reality from the post racial society of America that we live in

Long term girlfriend of FTM

Hey I would like to write on your blog , i am a long term grilfriend of a ftm pre lastoperation I think some of your georgous guys would like to hear this side of seeing the changes in a ftm progress :)

Want someone to talk to

I'm a pansexual transman on T now for 2.5 months and I want some advice and some fellow transmen to talk to about what is going on. Any GA transmen? Message me on my ftm blog anupliftedevolution


Privileged FTMS

My confession: Everyone wants to ignore race in America. But don't act like when you transition FTM and you are White, you actually earn more White Privilege. While on the other hand, you are black FTM you encounter even more discriminations. This is very maddening and makes me sick to my stomach!

Will Singapore hospitals hire trans people?

What are the chances that SG hospitals will hire trans people? I am interested in radiation therapy but it seems like only the hospitals will hire a RT.


My boyfriend may not be gay..

My boyfriend says he is bi and loves me. But I see him flirting with women, cis and trans, all the time.

He loved my top surgery, as did I, but now that I'm going on t, I fear my hairy stocky bald self (as all the men in my family are) will repulse him, as he likes androgynous pretty boys.

I still can't take one more day of being misgendered, and ill just have to deal with his disgust.

I am a gay masculine trans guy. He is fem and cis, and people always think he's gay. Meanwhile, I fear he's straight.

[melancholic trans boy, USA]      


I am a trans who feel like cutting off what's in between my legs, so extra if I desperate to transit- MTF trans

 [Cassandra Shawn, Singapore]   


It's harder for transwomen..

I can't help but be envious of the fact that transmen have things more easier than transwoman in many ways. Especially the part where most transwoman have to serve ns unless we did srs at a age of like 17? How the hell is that gonna be possible. We're gonna end up wasting two years which is like a stop in time, cant study, cant work for money for transition.

Time seems to be much more important for transwomans, most of the changes in our bodies through puberty as a boy cant be reversed, the older we get, the harder it will be to transition.

Also the fact that it is almost impossible for us to be less visible in the society, unless we spend over a hundred thousand on a full body plastic surgery including voice, which is literally impossible at a young age of 18, unless our parents are millionaires and they approve greatly of us.

Im not complaining that transmens have an easier transition life, but reality speaking, for transwomens, and because of society expectation for how a female should be like. Its hard...

Sorry if offeended any transmen in any way i just wanted to voiceout my opinions because i don have anyone to talk to about this.

If you are feeling like a nice person and wanna talk to me about anything, leave a comment [on Facebook] and i'll probably add you up


Vegetarian / vegan trans?

Any vegetarians or vegans trans out there, MTF, e.g?

[SHS, Singapore]

[OP's e-mail provided to admin, so write in if you would like to make friends with the OP -- ]