

I need my damn female organs removed so bad!!

There’s nothing worse than having to go through things like periods while your brain is screaming THIS IS WRONG. I actually become slightly psychotic and go into fugue states during my periods because I’m already so chemically imbalanced and prone to psychosis, all the while having gynos tell me “WE DON’T JUST HAND OUT HYSTERECTOMYS TO HEALTHY 20-SOMETHINGS YOU KNOW!”

…Like giving up the chance to squeeze out a dumb kid is just the worst thing I can do to myself.  They even found precancerous cervical cells on me in 2009 (though I got checked again in 2011 and they never said anything).

I just want it gone. I am not dying over an organ that has done nothing but harm to me since I was born. It would be too much of a slap in the face. It is the exact kind of poetic justice A-bomb death that god would want for me. I just picture the saints and angels all playing the Rains of Castamere on their violins and god coming down to me and whispering “The Lannisters send their regards” while a crowd of people all yell OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH and point at me.  Jesus tapdancing Christ.

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