I'm a transman and I love wearing my push-up bras and panties when not binding and packing
They're so comfortable and I feel SO sexy in them! I do identify as male, but I still love my physical self and my female parts+curves, even pre-surgery.
Mad cleavage
Does anyone else with large breast tissue find that binding gives you mad cleavage? Is there any other way to avoid this than not wearing tank tops?
Lucid dreaming
I have been working on lucid dreaming for years so I can at least have a male body and be accepted in my dreams. I never want to be awake
I am a trans man and i’m attracted to androgynous women/men
...and I feel like if i’m open about that i’ll be emasculated and assumed that I still want to be a “lesbian”. My partner is very fluid in her gender expression and is teased when she dresses “boy-ish” by a few of her really feminine friends and ask if I care about how she looks, when in fact I love how she looks, I love androgyne. Is it terrible of me to admit that to my cis-male friends? I’m afraid i’ll be made fun of..
Twin who's afraid to come out
I'm drab and a twin. My sister is hugely supportive of anything LGBTQ and I love her for that. In my head, I know she'll support me when I come out to her. But I don't want this twin bond thing to go away, because we lack this one thing. I'm scared it'll be too tough for her to accept that her twin sister, whom she's been steadily growing closer to over the years, isn't actually that at all.
I'm gay but I love this girl
I'm in a committed relationship with a woman, and have been for a while, but I'm afraid that when I transition I'm going to be a gay ftm, because most of the time I feel like I am a gay man trapped in a woman's body, but at the same time I really love this girl and don't want to lose her and I'm so unsure of what to do.
I'm only 5'1 and I feel like no one will take me seriously because of this. I feel so stupid sometimes...
I need my damn female organs removed so bad!!
There’s nothing worse than having to go through things like periods while your brain is screaming THIS IS WRONG. I actually become slightly psychotic and go into fugue states during my periods because I’m already so chemically imbalanced and prone to psychosis, all the while having gynos tell me “WE DON’T JUST HAND OUT HYSTERECTOMYS TO HEALTHY 20-SOMETHINGS YOU KNOW!”
…Like giving up the chance to squeeze out a dumb kid is just the worst thing I can do to myself. They even found precancerous cervical cells on me in 2009 (though I got checked again in 2011 and they never said anything).
I just want it gone. I am not dying over an organ that has done nothing but harm to me since I was born. It would be too much of a slap in the face. It is the exact kind of poetic justice A-bomb death that god would want for me. I just picture the saints and angels all playing the Rains of Castamere on their violins and god coming down to me and whispering “The Lannisters send their regards” while a crowd of people all yell OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH and point at me. Jesus tapdancing Christ.
…Like giving up the chance to squeeze out a dumb kid is just the worst thing I can do to myself. They even found precancerous cervical cells on me in 2009 (though I got checked again in 2011 and they never said anything).
I just want it gone. I am not dying over an organ that has done nothing but harm to me since I was born. It would be too much of a slap in the face. It is the exact kind of poetic justice A-bomb death that god would want for me. I just picture the saints and angels all playing the Rains of Castamere on their violins and god coming down to me and whispering “The Lannisters send their regards” while a crowd of people all yell OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH and point at me. Jesus tapdancing Christ.
FtM and the single life
I am scared that when I come out I will be alone for the rest of my life. A lot of transmen I know complain about the single life a lot and my mother is always telling me if I transition I will be alone.
Waiting for the answer...yes to T or trying to prove myself again?
If I don’t get the response I want this time round I don’t think I’ll be okay anymore.
#TheTransFamily kik
Just one of the reasons #TheTransFamily is such an amazing kik group; this group is my family . We welcome all transgender people including trans allies
What happens if you were in a relationship with someone who never used the right pronouns? Your friends got mad at you in the end you the two of you broke up. But now you are back to being yourself and your ex calls you the wrong pronouns
Just a little help
I feel the most comfortable when I’m male but I can never get T or transition for financial reasons and can barely slip a binder under my parents’ noses. I’m cutting my hair shorter next year so I can hide it better. But I’m still worried that I’ll be dysphoric no matter what I do. I feel like I’m at a road that’s blacked off by a giant sinkhole. I’m really trying to be who I want to be.
Feeling really lost
I have been feeling really lost.
Cannot find meaning of life, wanted to sleep and never wake up.
I feel like people isn't seeing the real me.
I always feel like a boy inside but my parents told me I'm too sweet and gentle to be boy.
I want to transition but I'm afraid I won't be able to find job, I'm afraid to be rejected by family or not masculine enough to fit in with the guys. I would like to ask if there is any transgender specific counselling in Singapore? Thanks.
Cannot find meaning of life, wanted to sleep and never wake up.
I feel like people isn't seeing the real me.
I always feel like a boy inside but my parents told me I'm too sweet and gentle to be boy.
I want to transition but I'm afraid I won't be able to find job, I'm afraid to be rejected by family or not masculine enough to fit in with the guys. I would like to ask if there is any transgender specific counselling in Singapore? Thanks.
Admin: Yes, there are counsellors in Singapore who specialise in gender issues. Transman Resource Singapore has a good resource here: transmansg.blogspot.sg/p/healthcare.html
Admin: Yes, there are counsellors in Singapore who specialise in gender issues. Transman Resource Singapore has a good resource here: transmansg.blogspot.sg/p/healthcare.html
Family doesn't think I'm trans
In treatment for depression, I used my birth name for one month. That one month is all my parents needed to say I wasn't trans and that I was faking it and that it's a phase.
My mom won't let me go see an endocrinologist. My dad calls me 'butch'. My twin calls me my birth name and female pronouns.
Sometimes I can't wait to get to college, until I realize I'll probably end up looking like a baby boy with my pre-T face.
My mom won't let me go see an endocrinologist. My dad calls me 'butch'. My twin calls me my birth name and female pronouns.
Sometimes I can't wait to get to college, until I realize I'll probably end up looking like a baby boy with my pre-T face.
(Hate exists within the community)
Can we not have Christopher Khoo to represent us? She is a bloody disgrace and she know nuts about transitioning.
Thanks to her, the locals have a bad conception of ftms!
Thanks to her, the locals have a bad conception of ftms!
I want to respond to this article : https://www.facebook.com/TransmanSG/posts/886905688034550
If only people know that she still has a womb and her ID screams "FEMALE" !!!
Why is she a representative of ftms when she know nuts about the actual process and real emotional journey? What an attention seeker?
If only people know that she still has a womb and her ID screams "FEMALE" !!!
Why is she a representative of ftms when she know nuts about the actual process and real emotional journey? What an attention seeker?
Gender therapist
Is there any gender therapist in Singapore?
Admin: Yes, there are. Transman Resource Singapore has a good resource page here: http://transmansg.blogspot.sg/p/healthcare.html
Admin: Yes, there are. Transman Resource Singapore has a good resource page here: http://transmansg.blogspot.sg/p/healthcare.html
Closed group for transmen in Singapore?
Is there a closed group for transman in singapore? Can someone with more contacts create if there isn't any? Thank you very much!
Admin: You can contact the guys at Transman Resource Singapore, I think it's what you might be looking for.
Admin: You can contact the guys at Transman Resource Singapore, I think it's what you might be looking for.
Am I FtM?
I identify as a transgender male romantically but as a cisgender female sexually. So am i ftm or no? Any advice pls.
FtM who loves being penetrated
I have a confession...im an ftm but i love d**ks penetrating my extra 'lady' hole. I can imagine being f**ked and getting pregnant...On the other hand, im only comfortable presenting myself to the public as a male.
Transitioning and life insurance
Hi, sorry this is not a confession, but does anyone know anything about life insurance in Singapore? How would transitioning affect life insurance? Really appreciate some help, thanks.
Why am I not diagnosed with GID?
For some reason my psychiatrist has diagnosed me as having depression. Or something akin to premenstrual dysphoric disorder. He does not think I have gender dysphoria at all. WHY.
What are the requirements to be diagnosed as GID in the first place?
I am only ever depressed becaause i am in the wrong body, right? And periods. Any dude would be traumatised to bleed out pools of blood every 4-5 weeks.
What are the requirements to be diagnosed as GID in the first place?
I am only ever depressed becaause i am in the wrong body, right? And periods. Any dude would be traumatised to bleed out pools of blood every 4-5 weeks.
Happy yet depressed after T
I am a ftm suffering from depression due to my earlier problems in my life. However unlike most ftms, after transition I do feel happier but still depressed...Does anyone feel this way too?
FtM and penetration
I feel like I’m never going to be taken seriously as a trans guy. In my head I’m male. But I still like being penetrated. I’m afraid people are just going to brush me off as a butch lesbian or something. I’m afraid to come out. I want to be taken seriously. I want to legitimate. Since when the eff being penetrated is gender specific anyway?
Job discrimination when trans
I have heard from my transfriends that they experienced discrimination in finding jobs in Singapore. Has anyone experienced that before?
Hot guys make me dysphoric
every time when i walk pass hot guys, i will feel extremely dysphoric... knowing that im not gonna get that body anytime soon.
unable to get T sucks.
unable to get T sucks.
What counts as SRS in Singapore?
Does a simple release of the clit count as srs to change legal sex in Sigapore? What are the srs requirements in singapore? And do you have to wait 1 year?
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